Is Paris Burning? A Beautiful French After-Dinner Cocktail Recipe
Looking for a lovely coda for a dinner with friends? Try “Is Paris Burning,” a classic French after-dinner cocktail.
Is Paris Burning? Photo by Richard Swearinger
The French know all about what to drink after dinner. They have digestifs—drinks specifically meant for enjoying after a meal. Few of these are sweet or cloying; in fact, most have a bit of a bracing edge to them. Or as the French might say, "ça fait un trou" (it makes a hole), meaning that it kind of eases the fullness of a full stomach.*
Popular digestifs include Armagnac, Cognac, Calvados, and eaux-de-vie. All are great on their own....but for something a little more special—and dessert-ish—I love this French after-diner cocktail: Is Paris Burning.
It's made by combining Cognac with a berry liqueur, such as Chambord or Crème de Cassis. It's perfect for those who enjoy liqueurs, but find them too cloying on their own, as well as those who kind of like Cognac, but find it a little too stiff. It's a best-of-both worlds cocktail, where the Cognac cuts the sweetness of the liqueur, and the liqueur cuts the force of the Cognac.
And what about the name? A couple sources mentioned that it spoke to the fact that the concoction was sometimes served warm. I tried it that way once. No thank you. It's stellar served ice cold. Enjoy!
Is Paris Burning Cocktail Recipe
For each cocktail:
2 ounces Cognac
1 ounce Chambord or crème de cassis
4 or 5 ice cubes
1 lemon twist
In a cocktail shaker, combine the Cognac and Chambord. Add the ice cubes; cover and shake until very cold. Strain into a chilled martini glass; twist the lemon peel over the drink and drop it in.
* Note that while I've heard the phrase "ça fait un trou" in the Armagnac and Calvados regions, my hosts in the Cognac region raised an eyebrow when I mentioned such a thing. It's an inelegant thing to say … but then, the Armagnac and Calvados regions are a bit more laid-back about such things.